Board of Directors

Board of directors
The Board of Directors performs a pivotal role within the corporate organization. Its tasks and responsibilities include setting strategic goals and organizational guidelines and ensuring that adequate controls to monitor the performance of the Group are in place.

Based on the By-laws of Sanlorenzo, the Board of Directors is composed by a minimum of 7 up to a maximum of 19 members. Directors will remain in office for a period not in excess of three financial years and their office will terminate on the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting called for the approval of the financial statements of the last year of their office.

The Chair of the Board of Directors is appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting among the Directors or, upon failure of the Shareholders’ Meeting to do so, it is elected by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors may appoint one or more Deputy Chairs performing the duties provided for in the By-laws.

The Board of Directors may also establish internal committees, determining the number of its members and their powers.

On 24 October 2019, the Board of Directors established four internal committees: the Control, Risks, and Sustainability Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Related Party Transactions Committee.

The Board of Directors currently in office was appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 28 April 2022, and then reduced by resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting on 27 April 2023, for a three-year period and, therefore, until approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2024. The Shareholders' Meeting of 26 April 2024 resolved to increase the size of the Board of Directors and appointed two new directors. 
Regulations of the Board of Directors
12 members total, of which:
3 executive (1 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and 2 Executive Directors)
9 non-executive (of which 5 Independent Directors)